Welcome to Worldwide Cargo Agency & Logistics

We offer worldwide shipping solutions specialized in critical shipments. Our experienced staff will help you to make the best decisions regarding any of your shipping needs, from single boxes to chartering the worlds largest aircraft and cargo vessels.

Our strong Customs relationships minimize inspection times and keep your business moving flow. Experience the peace of mind that comes from working with the experts.

We are available 24/7 all year.

Our Mission

To be the best worldwide enterprise moving critical cargo and developing logistics, with special and personalized attention to satisfy every client needs. Moving every good and commodities with the highest efficiency, flow communication, safety and optimal costs.

Our Vision

In a period of five years be one of the top enterprises in emergency services for the automotive industry and other sectors, through a worldwide structure and operating in the five continents.

To be the referent in the industry being avowed for the highest standards in quality and service.

More about us

WCA&L is committed to consistently providing high quality domestic and international expedited freight services for every customer by ensuring on-time service and 100% customer satisfaction on every shipment.

  1. We offer solutions to urgent needs worldwide.
  2. Our agent network has presence around the world.
  3. We are a non assets company which gives us the flexibility needed when making critical decisions.
  4. We are available 24/7 all year.
  5. Our large customer base can attest that we deliver what we promise.

Our expertise

We've served more than 1000 worldwide clients, you are the next!